Sunday 26 April 2015

2015 Steelhead Opener Was a Cold One..

I still have the chills from opening night.. Me and a couple of my buddies packed our bags and were down at the river for 6PM. Water was a lot better than I thought from the big rain we got last week, and I was super pumped about that! We got down there, set up our tents, filmed some clips, ate some soup and grilled some hotdogs over the fire! before we new it, it was dark, the temps went down to -2 and it was freeeeeeezin! So cold that the warmest spot to sleep was right beside the fire. I didn't even end up using my tent, as I literally slept in the dirt beside the fire we had going just like last years opener. Half way through the night the fire went out and I could barely sleep for the rest of the morning, But once the sun came up saturday morning, it was go time! Steelhead opener 2015 baby! It was awesome! We got a bunch of cool footage that I will be putting together for an edit shortly. Fishing was great, weather was great, and we all had an absolute blast! Can't wait to get back out tomorrow and all week long after school!
I hope everyone had an awesome, memorable 2015 steelhead opener!

- COOP ><>

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