Wednesday, 10 July 2013


What an awesome Night bite tonight! Lately the night bite has been very slow, but not tonight! Right when we setup, dropped a couple lines, we started hooking into fish! Couple hits on the riggers, and on the dipseys, and had about 5 fish before 6:00. At about 6 the dipsey went for another rip, ran to the dipsey, picked it up and started fighting it. Right when I picked up the rod I new it was a good fish from his headshakes and the amount of line he was screaming out. Brought me out to about 600 feet now, reeled in 100 of it, and took me for another big run back out to about 600!!! After a long fight, I finally brought it up to the boat, and relized it was a hand bomber which means the lead from the dipsey to the flasher is really long which means that we have to use our hands to bring it to the boat and net it. Scotty grabbed the line and hand bombed it in, grabbed the net and netted it. Once it got in the boat, I picked it up and was super exited! My personal best king!!! :)

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