Monday 28 August 2017

2nd pace - Ontario B.A.S.S Nation: Ottawa River

Man. What a week fishing the Ontario B.A.S.S Nation Qualifier. When I was 13, I joined the Port Perry Basmasters and fished all of the Junior Bassmaster tournaments. That year, I won all 3 tournaments and received AOY.  My tournament partner until this day, Danny McGarry, won the championship on the Bay Of Quinte that same year. That year, the two of us qualified and were sent down to the St Lawrence River with Team Ontario for the Bassmaster Eastern Divisional. We ended up winning that event against 7 other State high school champions and it was a weekend I will never forget. A weekend that started it all. Ever since it has been a goal of mine to go down with my own boat and fish as a boater. This past week the qualifier took place on the Ottawa River. I spent 4 days on the water trying to find some big girls to make the team. I had about 12 areas that I had caught some decent fish in, and I was pretty confident going into this event. My original game plan was to milk run these areas to try and catch what I thought I needed to make the team (Top Ten) I found one area in practice that I went back to 3 or 4 times. on the 4th time, they were there. It just looked too good. I ended up scrapping everything I had found all week, and fished this one little area the entire time over the 2 days of the tournament. I finished 2nd, and words can't describe how excited I am to head down to South Carolina to Winyah Bay with Team Ontario as a boater to compete for a shot at fishing the B.A.S.S Nation National Championship. It has been a dream of mine since the age of 13. Thank you everyone for the continued support, It means a lot. And a big thank you to Ontario BASS Nation, the Port Perry Basmasters, My parents, friends, and family.

Big congrats to Charles Sim on the W#wooooop #roadtotheclassic #chaseyourdreams #canadarubbergroup