Saturday 5 December 2015

AGM Meeting

Hey Guys, This past weekend I attended the AGM meeting. We did a presentation on our experience at the B.A.S.S Highschool National Champonship in Tennessee! Was super fun to get up and talk about one of the best experiences of my life fishing on Kentucky lake. Even tho we didn't do very well, it sure was cool to get down there, meet new people, fish completely different water, and have such an awesome opportunity. We were so lucky to be able to do what we did with the Highschool program with Team Ontario and through the BASS Nation. The amount of support and help we had aswell was unbeleivable. I highly recommend any kids wanting to experiment what me and Dan did, to start a Highschool fishing club.. I can't even describe how awesome it really is. If anyone has any questions on how we did it or need help, feel free to send me a message!!! The 2 other juniors Tyler and Kyle also did a pretty awesome presentation of their experience as well. They ended up finishing 3rd! Charles Sim was also there to share his experience on his road to qualifying for the Bassmaster Classic. The second Canadian ever! Charles won the Ontario B.A.S.S Hank Gibson qualifier on Big Rideau which qualified him to fish in Conneticut with Team Ontario on the Connecticut River. He won the Eastern Division in Connecticut which qualified him for the BASS National Championship. The next step after the Nationals is the Bassmaster Classic, and He ended up winning the Nationals in his devision and he is now heading to the Classic in March!!! I am super pumped to be going to the classic this year to watch Charles compete against 50 of the best anglers in the world. If anyone is thinking about going, Rob jackson set up a bus to go down with 50 people. Facebook Rob if you would like to find out more about it. Its going to be a blast.... WOOOOOP