Sunday, 29 December 2013

Lake Simcoe Jumbo's!

Such a fun weekend! I went up to my good friend, Cole Vardy's house for the weekend to target some Jumbo Perch. I went up for 3 days and we hammered them! Cole put us on some big fish. They key to success this weekend, Was drilling a bunch of holes covering a large area of water. If we weren't catching many fish, We would move and keep moving until we found some fish. There are always fish willing to bite, it's just a matter of never giving up and finding the aggressive ones! Such a fun weekend, Can't wait to fish scugog in the morning for more Jumbos and some crappie! ><>

Sunday, 8 December 2013

What a weekend..

What a weekend.. Dropped my reel in the water and snapped my rod yesterday on the truck hitch.. Almost dropped it in again today, and didn't learn my lesson the first time to put tape on my cork rings.. And I snapped another rod due to the cold weather.. All weekend I only got 1 fish, but was well worth it! Thanks for the bug Josh! ><>